About Our Church: Grace Bible Baptist Church in Denham Springs was established May 18th, 1979 under the Authority of West Bible Baptist Church of Oakdale Louisiana. It was founded under the Doctrine of God's Sovereign Grace in Salvation. Brother Jack Duplechain was our first pastor until he resigend to become the pastor of West Bible Baptist in Oakdale Louisiana. In September of 1982 we called Brother Wayne Camp to be our pastor and he accepted the call. In 1983 we had a flood that put about 2 feet of water in our church building and we all worked to repair it. While Brother Wayne was our pastor he was the editor of "The Grace Proclamator and Promulgator" which was sent out under the authority of our church. Brother Wayne Camp was our pastor until September 13th of 1987 when he accepted the call to be the pastor of Pilgrim's Hope Baptist in Memphis Tennessee. At that time we also granted Pilgrim's Hope the authority over the newspaper. Then on May 27th of 1989 we called Brother David O'Neal to be our pastor and he remained our pastor until March 1st of 1993 when he was led to return to Tulsa to pastor Grace Missionary Baptist where he had pastored several years before. Then in November of 1994 we called Brother Jerry Dodson to be our pastor. In August of 2016 we had another great flood that devistated most of Denham Springs and a large portion of Livingston Parish along with parts of East Baton Rouge Parish. You can read about this flood on our website here. Brother Jerry Dodson remained with us for 22 and one half years until shortly after the death of his beloved wife. On May 28th of 2017, Brother Jerry resigned to return to live in Texas close to his sons. Then on February 25th of 2025, Brother Jerry passed away at his son's home at 8:05 AM after a long battle with cancer. See Obit. Shorty after Brother Jerry Dodson resigned we called Brother Charles Andrews to be our pastor on July 15th, 2018. Before we called Brother Charlie, he and his wife had been church members and Brother Charlie had a prison ministry at the detention center in Robert Louisiana. Brother Charlie was instrumental in restoring our church building and fellowship hall after the flood in 2016. Brother Charles remained our pastor until he passed away on Monday, March 18, 2019 at his home. He was only 63 years of age and we miss him so much. Then in January of 2020 Brother Robert Keller accepted the call to be our pastor. |
Grace Bible Baptist Church
26080 Wax Road
Denham Springs, LA 70726